"How much are you going to pay?"
For three day that has been the question on the lips -- and at the fingertips -- of Radiohead fans. . . . [S]ome . . . yesterday were finally able to name their price to pre-order the band's new album, In Rainbows. . . . [O]ne employee decided to pay 14 cents, and another gave $5 . . . And [Sarah] Fields, who works in digital marketing at the label, decided to charge herself $9.
Melena Ryzik
The New York Times, 10/4/07
When his serious artistic side is finally heard late in the movie, the original piano piece he plays is the kind of characterless shlock that movies often try to pass off as modern classical music.
Stephen Holdin
In a review of the film The Good Night
The New York Times, 10/5/07